Past Events (Archive)

Galery of contemporary Hungarian artists – Vernissage and concert PROGRAM. Phil Woods, Béla Bartók, J. S. Bach Zita Sopková – piano, Erik Rothenstein – sax

Galéria súčasných maďarských umelcov - Dunajská Streda Lento Ad Astra

This year the great jazz orchestra under the direction of Matúš Jakabčič celebrates its 20th anniversary. At the end of May, this international group of musicians will present new compositions at two concerts in Prievidza and Bratislava. The concert will feature compositions from the latest 2-CD Room#555, as well as new compositions by Matúš Jakabčič. […]

Hviezdoslavovo námestie, Bratislava CZ-SK Big Band Matúša Jakabčica

This year the great jazz orchestra under the direction of Matúš Jakabčič celebrates its 20th anniversary. At the end of May, this international group of musicians will present new compositions at two concerts in Prievidza and Bratislava. The concert will feature compositions from the latest 2-CD Room#555, as well as new compositions by Matúš Jakabčič. […]

Prievidza, námestie Slobody CZ-SK Big Band Matúša Jakabčica

Erik Rothenstein Band – jazz and more….. – jazz, latin jazz, fusion Dominika Raši – voiceJuraj Raši – drumsPavol Bereza – guiitarDano Griglák – bassPeter Dobai – tenor saxErik Rothenstein – bari sax with support from Music Found

základňa D8, Dobrovičova 8, BA Erik Rothenstein Band

Jana Gavačová – voice, Erik Rothenstein – reeds, František bále – keyboard

Základňa D8 - Dobrovičová 8, Bratislava, Slovakia

16.11. o 18 00 ZUŠ M.R. Štefánika, Považská Bystrica 17.11. o 18 00 hotel Park,  Dolný Kubín 18.11. od 19 00 festival Jazz For Sale, Historická radnica, Hlavná 58,Košice Matúš Jakabčic CZ-SK Big BandKoncert z verejných zdrojov podporil Fond na podporu umenia. Fond na podporu umenia je hlavným partnerom koncertu.Vznik hudobných diel, ktoré budú uvedené […]

Považská Bystrica, Dolný Kubín, Košice CZ-SK Big Band Matúša Jakabčica