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Trio Babele
BABELE TRIO Erik Rothenstein saxofón, klarinet Marko Kukobat – acordeon, vocal František Báleš – piano, vocal Klezmer, Slovak, Serbian and Balkan balads & songs in jazzy arragements
Danmar Bar, Dobrovičova 8, BratislavaMATÚŠ JAKABČIC CZ-SK BIG BAND
18.10. 8 pm Big band concert with guest singer Peter Lipa. Compositions from the members of orchestra. Jazz with large ansamble…. ou jeee
Blue note Jazz Club, Nové Mesto nad Váhom CZ-SK Big Band Matúša JakabčicaMatúš Jakabčic CZ-SK BIG BAND
17.10. 5pm Big band concert with guest singer Peter Lipa. Compositions from the members of orchestra. Jazz with large ansamble…. ou jeee
Považská Bystrica, ZUŠ M.R. Štefánika CZ-SK Big Band Matúša JakabčicaRytmus & symphony orchestra
popular Slovak raper with symphony orchestra. Show time ….
City Arena Trnava