
Future concerts

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Previous concerts

28.7.2018 After a while I started again to write original tunes for a big jazz orchestra. We will cooperate with some singers, so I wrote  some arragements for them, also we will play some istrumental pieces. Looking forward…. ou jeee guests: Peter Lipa, Ester Wiesnerová – vocal

Banská Štiavnica, Festival Peknej Hudby CZ-SK Big Band Matúša Jakabčica

27.9.2018, 18:00 A gig  with my students, we will play some their copositions and songs of mine and enjoying the music…. 🙂 LINE UP: David Oláh: alto sax Matej Sošovička: piano Matej Štubniak: bass Erik othenstein. bari sax Juraj Šušaník: drums

Bratislava, Slovakia, Hviezdoslavovo námestie ALTÁNOK

26.7.2018, 19:30 Trio SOS is a young Slovak  band orientated on mainstream jazz tradition and on own author´s compositions. The repertoire is based on latin jazz songs and original arragements. LINE UP: David Oláh: alto sax Matej Sošovička: piano Matej Štubniak: bass Erik othenstein. bari sax Juraj Šušaník: drums

Bratislava, Slovakia, Bukowski bar, námestie SNP

25.7.2018, 18:00 Fero Báleš: piano, vocal Erik Rothenstein: bari sax Vlado Máčaj : bass Juraj Šušaník: drums World popular songs (Sting, M. Jackson, U2 and others…)in jazz arrangement, the band playsalso own author´s compositions.

Bratislava : letná čitáreň u Červeného raka